@article{journal, author = {Ruiz, J. M. and Mar{\'i}n-Guirao, L. and Bernabeu-Esteller, J. and Ramos-Segura, A. and Garc{\'i}a-Mu{\~n}oz, R. and Sandoval-Gil, J. M.}, title = {Spread of the invasive alga Caulerpa racemosa var. cylindracea (Caulerpales, Chlorophyta) along the Mediterranean Coast of the Murcia region (SE Spain)}, year = {2011}, volume = {34.1}, pages = {73--82}, journal = {Animal Biodiversity and Conservation}, keywords = {Invasiones biol{\'o}gicas, Caulerpa racemosa var. cylindracea, Superficie colonizada, Mar Mediterraneo, Espa{\~n}a} }